The SPSS Survival Manual throws a lifeline to students and researchers grappling with this powerful data analysis software.In her bestselling manual, Julie Pallant guides you through the entire research process, helping you choose the right data analysis technique for your project. From the formulation of research questions, to the design of the study and analysis of data, to reporting the results, Julie discusses basic through to advanced statistical techniques. She outlines each technique clearly, providing step by step procedures for performing your analysis, a detailed guide to interpreting data output and examples of how to present your results in a report.For both beginners and experienced users in psychology, sociology, health sciences, medicine, education, business and related disciplines, the SPSS Survival Manual is an essential text. Illustrated with screen grabs, examples of output and tips, it is supported by a website with sample data and guidelines on report writing.This seventh edition is fully revised and updated to accommodate changes to IBM SPSS Statistics procedures, screens and output. 'An excellent introduction to using SPSS for data analysis. It provides a self-contained resource itself, with more than simply (detailed and clear) step-by-step descriptions of statistical procedures in SPSS. There is also a wealth of tips and advice, and for each statistical technique a brief, but consistently reliable, explanation is provided.' - Associate Professor George Dunbar, University of Warwick'This book is recommended as ESSENTIAL to all students completing research projects - minor and major.' - Dr John Roodenburg, Monash UniversityA website with support materials for students and lecturers is available at
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Finally the original instrument, the translated version and the back-translated version were compared by a committee. The committee comprised of PhD students, psychiatrists, medical doctors, one registered nurse and OMT staff. All members of the committee had either full-time or part-time positions at the Norwegian Centre for Addiction Research. All members knew the Norwegian OMT system well. Several members of the committee were fluent in both English and Norwegian, and had completed their degrees in English speaking countries. The instrument was adjusted according to advice from the committee. None of the translators or members of the committee were financially reimbursed.
Scanning with this option profile will achieve two things to expedite testing your web applications in the most efficient way possible. First, we are only testing for one specific vulnerability, QID 150440. Second, as this vulnerability is only tested at the base URI and several directories up and down as appropriate, there is no need to crawl and test every link in the application. These two changes will allow each web application to be scanned faster than full Core detection scans while still providing you the necessary visibility of any vulnerable versions of Log4j2.
This 2-year hospital-based, prospective clinical study enrolled 100 patients who were indicated for percutaneous nephrolithotomy. All patients were allocated into groups according to the Guy's stone score and were compared for factors associated with stone-free rate and complication risk. The data were statistically analyzed using SPSS version 20. 2ff7e9595c